Friday Five: Bookish

Friday, September 28, 2012
This week's Friday Five:
  1. What's your favorite book you've had read to you? I haven't had a book read to me in a long, long, long time. I actually can't recall any books that have been read to me in the last 20 years, but I do remember my kindergarten teacher reading us Goodnight Moon... So I suppose that's it by default.
  2. What book (or series of books) would you like to see turned into a film? The Jessica Darling series by Megan McCafferty, as well as The Maze Runner series by James Dashner. I would say the Divergent series by Veronica Roth, but it's been announced that a movie is already in the works.
  3. We often complain about movies not being as good as the books upon which they are based, but what's a movie that was as good as (or better than) its book? Fight Club. And it might be blasphemous for me to say this, but I really loved Baz Luhrmann's Romeo + Juliet.
  4. Songs often take us back to specific times in our lives, or remind us of specific people. What book does that for you, and what's the explanation? The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky will always remind me of middle school and all that awkwardness and teenage angst, and realizing that all of those things we think are so important and life-changing when we're teenagers are so trivial in actuality. It's a very poignant coming-of-age novel, and I remember it having a profound effect on me.
  5. What book do you know well enough to quote from once in a while? Probably Sloppy Firsts and Second Helpings by Megan McCafferty. I must've read those at least 20 times each. I often spout one particular quote, which I actually find are words to live by: "The best you can do in life is not piss yourself off."
2 comments on "Friday Five: Bookish"
  1. It's not blasphemous at all because Romeo and Juliet was meant to be performed, not read. :)

    I didn't read Fight Club but the voiceover totally sounded like lines from a novel (or Ed Norton narrated it like he was reading off the pages) and I knew it was a novel before I knew knew for sure. Still haven't read it though!

    1. Oh, gooooood point, Liz. :) Reading it is kind of super-tedious...

      Fight Club as a book is good, but there's something about the movie that's more poignant.


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