Friday Five: Scattergories

Friday, June 22, 2012
This week's Friday Five:
  1. What random letter was generated by the online random-letter generator? W.
  2. What food item, whose name begins with the letter in question #1, are you most likely to eat within the next few days? Watermelon! There's a big bowl of it sitting in my fridge that is just waiting to be devoured.
  3. What item, whose name begins with the letter in question #1, are you most likely to purchase this weekend? White Tea & Ginger Body Lotion from Bath & Body Works (their Semi-Annual Sale is still on!).
  4. What famous person, whose last name begins with the letter in question #1, makes you think thoughts you probably shouldn't? Paul Wesley! His picture is currently my desktop wallpaper and my iPhone wallpaper...
  5. What is your favourite film whose title begins with the letter in question #1? Wall-E.
  6. What geographical location, whose name begins with the letter in question #1, are you most likely to see within the next few days? I was going to go to Waterloo for my friend's bridal shower on Sunday, but I have to work the entire weekend, sadly.
8 comments on "Friday Five: Scattergories"
  1. Paul Wesley, really? lol
    I saw him in April, with his gf. I got the "I'm too cool for everybody." vibe, even when fans were lining up and paying some obscene amount of money for an autograph!

    1. Ohhh, you saw him at that Comic-Con thing? Why was he there? For The Vampire Diaries? (Which I am obsessed with?)

      And, to be fair, he's like, intimidatingly hot... He's like... the Edward Cullen of the TV world, you know? I mean, his character on VD is that mysterious, brooding, impossibly good-looking vampire with a good heart and ridiculously sexy hair... It's hard not to fall in love with his character (and therefore, him, because that's how we perceive him in real life). But he's way hotter than Robert Pattinson who, if you'll recall, had thousands of fans stalking him and shit during the Twilight hoopla.

      But yeah, that's not his gf, that's his wife. :( SO DEPRESSING.

    2. LOL, oh man. I've never seen Vampire Diaries! Or Twilight!
      His wife is super pretty though :D
      I think that you'd totally be fan-girling at Comic Con!
      PS. go to the one coming up in August. (Fan Expo 2012) *I'm* actually wanting to go this time, because Norman Reedus is there..from the Walking Dead!! !!! !!
      Have you watched Walking Dead yet?!

    3. Well, you know how I like my vamps... ;)

      His wife is a guest star on Vampire Diaries! She's very pretty but more like, cute pretty than hot pretty, if you get what I mean, lol.

      I should go with you to Comic-Con in August. You'll need to remind me! :) And no, I haven't watched Walking Dead yet. Do you know who else is gonna be there?

    4. I totally know what you mean!
      You should, go here:
      if you want to see the "guest list". To be honest, I'm not even sure if I'm going 100%, because Saturday tickets are $50 and I'm no super fan girl, lol. I'll let you know if I do go and am ordering tickets! Would Shawn be interested in going? I think he'd enjoy it!

    5. OMG, SO MANY AWESOME GUESTS!!! Stan Lee, Rose McGowan, Jennifer Carpenter, James Marsters, Juliet Landau, Sam Trammell!!! Other than the tickets, what are the prices like for like, a picture or an autograph or whatever?

      Definitely let me know when you know if you're going -- I'll ask Shawn, too.

    6. Prices for autographs can range from $25 (rare) to $45+ per item! Depending on the guest, some will charge for a picture ($10?), some will be super nice and let you take a picture with them for free if you pay for an autograph and some will only let you take pictures if you buy a "photo op" which is like.. $50, with a pro photographer in a studio and a 8 by 10 print out. That's what I remember from Comic Con, I'm pretty sure it's similar at Fan Expo if they have "photo ops" available!

      If you go, bring a lot of cash. It'll be gone in like, no time if you're planning on meeting guests and getting things signed! You should totally go even if I'm not!

    7. Holy cow, that's a loooot of money... It would be entirely worth it if Paul Wesley was there, though. ;)

      I think I'll check out it, pending on my schedule. Sounds like it could be a lot of fun!


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