Kitten Mittens

Friday, December 16, 2011

I am super pissed off right now. I don't know how this is possible, but I am sick yet again. That's three times in three months. Is my immune system that shitty? Yes, apparently so. Like, this has never happened to me before. I thought your immune system was supposed to be phenomenal after getting sick, fighting all that bacteria and shit. Apparently not. Conclusion: My immune system is an asshole. (Not literally.) Anyway, I thought I'd share this video from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, because it always cheers me up. Seriously, I've watched this 20 times already... and I laugh every time. And if you don't watch this show already... well, you should, 'cause it's the funniest show on television.
7 comments on "Kitten Mittens"
  1. That sucks! You better not be sick at Christmas!

    Feel better soon, Denise!

  2. OH NO! :-(

    Feel better.

    And my dog has doggy boots :-P BUT, it's because snow packs in between his toes and he's always in pain because of it. Poor guy.

  3. @Liz -- I KNOW, RIGHT? I reckon I'll be better by Christmas, but it's still a massive pain in the ass. :( Thanks, though!

    @Mary -- Thanks! LOL, the video's funny because cats don't make any noise when they walk around to begin with. I understand doggy boots, though, 'cause dogs walk around outside. :)

  4. LOL! I totally didn't even think of that!!! #dummyhere

  5. LOL, Mary! I just die every time that cat falls off the coffee table...

  6. Sorry to hear you're unwell. Are you getting enough sleep? Lack of sleep really annoys my immune system and that's when I get sick a lot.

    Take care!

  7. Thanks, Fieran. I try to get enough sleep, but sadly, on the days that I have work, I get maybe six hours at most. Maybe that has to do with it, and the fact that I'm constantly touching people's faces... :(


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