Blog Award!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Liz recently nominated me for a blog award! I'm supposed to post seven random facts about myself, so here goes:
  1. I went to an all girls' private school for nine years. Yikes, indeed.
  2. My first concert, ever, was Hanson at the Molson Amphitheatre in 1998. (Side note: All three of the brothers are married with children. Taylor Hanson now has four children. This blows my mind because in my head, Taylor Hanson still has a prepubescent voice.) It started my love for live shows, and since then, I've been to over 100 concerts. The bands I have seen the most are Alexisonfire (15 shows) and Thursday (7 shows). On that note, I have never been to a concert where the artist/band doesn't write their own songs and play their own instruments.
  3. My first real job where I was on an actual, legit payroll was being a cosmetician at Shoppers Drug Mart. I was 18.
  4. I started web designing when I was 11, using Tripod. I taught myself HTML, CSS, and Adobe Photoshop, and bought my own domain (at, now defunct) in 1999. I web designed until I was 19, and then, you know, life got in the way. And by life, I mean university. (I have, however, been blogging for 11 years and counting!)
  5. I have been to more cities in Europe than in the US. I've been to Asia more times than I've been to Europe. And I've visited New York City more than any other city in the world.
  6. My first and only pet was a hamster. Named Hammy. (I was obviously very creative when I was 8.) He died after two years from obesity. (Seriously, his arm got stuck in his cage. It would be hilarious if it wasn't so sad.) So, a tip from me to you: do not overfeed your hamster with too many hamster chocolates (yes, they exist).
  7. I didn't start wearing make-up until I was 16. My first make-up product was a Clinique pressed powder.
In light of this post, I now leave you with a music video that makes me nostalgic:

7 comments on "Blog Award!"
  1. Ah, HC. I was only there for 2 years but that was a good enough taste. Lol.

    I didn't absolutely hate it but I do feel bad that my parents paid so much money for a school that well, I'm not sure was really worth it. Perhaps if I related to some of the girls there maybe...but really, it just wasn't all that special. I did enjoy living in the city, tho. :)

    And I totally used to web design, too! Definitely not as advanced as you (just HTML, Javascript) but I had all these fan sites (Roswell!) and personal sites. It was quite fun! I'm kind of sad that whole era of webrings, fansites, personal sites went out.

  2. Honestly, I feel like my parents could have spent all that tuition money on something else. I really, really didn't need or want to go to private school. I didn't take advantage of ANYTHING that school had to offer. It definitely wasn't worth it for me. And I think I came out of there like, socially stunted... and resentful, more than anything else... ACK.

    Do you remember online cliques? LOL. Haha, I miss those days, too.

  3. Wow, I'm so impressed with your tech skills and all that traveling! And the concerts! It took me forever to get up the nerve to travel and I'm still no very good at it. As for Hanson, I was strangely glad to see them in Katy Perry's "Last Friday Night" video!!

    Thanks for doing the tag. :)

  4. Haha, I miss traveling a lot, actually. I don't get to go anywhere that much anymore, though I try to get to NYC at least once a year to visit my brother. :) I really, really want to go back to Vegas now that I'm, you know, legal. :P

    LOL, I totally still love Hanson. I forgot about them for years, and this post totally rekindled my Grade 5 love for them. I remember having the biggest crush on Taylor, even though he was like, really girly...

    And no problem, thanks for nominating me! :D

  5. OMG have you seen that Family Guy episode where Quagmire talks about Taylor Hanson?? It was so hilarious.

    I started web design in gr. 8 using Angelfire. Remember those horrible flame/ice gif's? Oh.. man!

    I absolutely refused to go to an all girl's Catholic HS (St. Joe's on Wellesley). I lived just a few blocks down from the school and it would have been a mere 5-10 minute walk to get there, but I just couldn't do it. Instead, I went to a Co-Ed Catholic HS along the Danforth and ended up doing pretty bad in my courses since I skipped a lot. I ended up going to St. Joe's for one year, anyway :-S.

    P.S. Isn't your birthday sometime this month?

  6. LOL, I don't watch Family Guy, but I love that you're referencing Quagmire. :P

    Haha, ohhhh, man, those gifs were so brutal. Do you remember those sparkling cursors to mimic wands and shooting stars? LOL, I was obsessed with those.

    I didn't go to a Catholic school -- it was an independent school. I had no choice, though; I was admitted into the school in Grade 4, and had no idea what I was getting myself into... and I never questioned my parents about it, lol. I was STUPID. But, yeah, St. Joe's is brutal. I took the 53 Steeles bus everyday, so I saw a lot of the St. Joe's girls, and all the boys from Brebeuf. (For some reason, a TON of Filipino boys went to Brebeuf.) And DAMN, some of those St. Joe's girls are SLUTTY.

    And yes, my birthday's on the 15th. :)

  7. HAHAHAH Yeah, I totally remember those. And those SUPER ugly flame/ice/marble backgrounds. Wasn't it such a revelation when you learned how to make the background static?
    I remember those cursors!! OH MAN... someone take me back to 1999, please!

    And I think you're talking about St. Joe's Morrow Park on Bayview just south of Steeles, right? That's the one closest the Brebeuf. There's another St. Joe's downtown (near UofT); that's where I went for a year. A lot of girls would hike up their kilts back then. I think they're only allowed to wear pants in some schools now? I'm not so sure, but I do agree with you on that.


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