Sunday Video Love: Nightcall

Sunday, August 19, 2012

This is my new night driving jam. I basically just put it on repeat and feel like a badass. And, yes, this song is featured in Drive. And no, there is no one who can look hotter or more badass than Ryan Gosling while driving.
8 comments on "Sunday Video Love: Nightcall"
  1. Drive's soundtrack is probably one of the best. Ever. And you know what's hotter or more badass than Ryan Gosling driving?

    Ryan Gosling driving without a shirt.

    1. Yeah, I'm obsessed with that soundtrack right now. :) But this song? I'm raping the replay button.

      LOL, I was thinking that as I was writing it! WET BASEMENT.

  2. Replies
    1. Can you believe I actually haven't seen the movie yet? I need to get on this ASAP.

    2. WHAT?
      I thought for sure you've seen it. What the hell, Denise.
      If you feel like a bad ass listening to it now, you're going to feel like a super-mega-ex-con-bad-ass-babe speeding away with Mr. Gosling by your side while listening to this. Or something.. LOL.

    3. Well, you KNOW I have to be a super-mega-ex-con-bad-ass-babe while driving, so I need to watch Drive like, yesterday.

      I wanted to watch it when it was out in theatres, but I couldn't find the time. Or when I had the time, no one else did. :( My friend Jack downloaded it for me because he was like, "HOW CAN YOU LOVE RYAN GOSLING AND NOT HAVE WATCHED DRIVE?" But I need to find the time to go over to his place to watch it, lol. Maybe I'll just buy it on DVD...

    4. Watch the downloaded movie AND buy it! DUHHHH!!
      'Cause I know you'll end up buying could you not.
      Is it even out on DVD? Probs. Whatever. Gosssslinnggghhhhhhh.

      Oh and I totally love Carey Mulligan.

    5. Yeah, it's out on DVD. I was tempted to buy it when it was released in January but was too expensive. I'm hoping it'll go on sale at some point, lol.

      I actually haven't seen any of Carey Mulligan's movies, but she is uber-cute. :)


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