Blog Tag!

Friday, January 20, 2012
The ever-lovely Liz recently tagged me in this post. I'm supposed to post seven random facts about myself, so here goes:
  1. The first album I ever bought was No Doubt's Tragic Kingdom on cassette. It was 1996, and I was in Grade 5. This was obviously before my Spice Girls and Backstreet Boys phase.
  2. When I was six, I hit my left index finger on something in the playground during recess, and half my nail fell off. When I was eight, my right ring finger got stuck on the hinge of a metal door. It is permanently crooked. When I was 18, I slammed my car door on my right thumb by accident (sadly, I was sober, but luckily, it was winter and my hands were completely numb from the cold), and the entire nail came off. Also, my right index finger is my only double-jointed finger. Yeah, my hands are fucked up.
  3. The question I am asked the most by strangers is, "Are your eyelashes real?" (Yes, they are.)
  4. I have been wearing glasses since I was 10, and contact lenses since I was 12.
  5. I do not drink alcohol because my body doesn't process it properly. I don't get drunk; I literally go from sober to black out to sober within the span of two to three hours, regardless of how much I drink. It is not fun, to say the least, and is a big waste of money.
  6. I have had exactly two manicures in my life, and never had a pedicure.
  7. My make-up collection is worth more than my car. Yes, it is ridiculous.
6 comments on "Blog Tag!"
  1. I've never had a pedicure either. If I ever get around to doing my 7 things, you'll find out why.

    1. LOL, for me, it's because I never make the time to go to a place to get my nails done. And because I want to change my nail polish so often that it's not worth it. :P And I have this thing where I don't like people touching my feet, lol. Can't wait to read your seven facts. :)

  2. My first album was Mariah Carey, though it should have been New Kids On The Block. And I was not too ashamed to buy Spice Girls when they came out, even though I was older than the target demo!

    I'm SOOO jealous of #3 but I see that the universe has balanced you out with #5. lol And if you like to wear high, uncomfortable heels, you will LOVE pedicures! If not, maybe not missing out that much.

    Thanks for doing the tag! :)

    1. Haha, I was too young for NKOTB. Their heyday was over when I was like, in Grade 2. I remember I had a NKOTB pencil/eraser/ruler set in school, but I had no idea who they were. :P I totally bought every Spice Girls album, though. And two Mariah Carey albums (Daydream and Butterfly). And I still distinctly remember getting Muchmusic's Dance Mix 1995. :D

      LOL @ "I see the universe has balanced you out with #5." It's true, I don't drink, but I figure I have saved SO MUCH MONEY by not drinking. :D Which is counterbalanced with spending too much money on cigarettes. :( And, no, I'm pretty much a flats girl, through and through, lol. I don't really like my feet, to be honest. :P

      And thank you for tagging me!

  3. OMG do you remember YTV's Hit List with Tarzan Dan?? I would 'record' all my faves pop groups on VHS lol!

    And, holy hell, your hands are cursed!!

    1. LOL, of COURSE I remember The Hit List! I remember watching it every Friday after ABC's TGIF programming! :D

      Haha, and yes, my hands have many battle scars.


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