Photolog 2019: Day 219 of 365

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

TODAY'S THE DAY! The release day of Bring the Soul! I went to watch it with my friends Maegan and Jason, who aren't hard BTS stans (they listen to some their songs on Spotify occasionally, but don't dive deeper into the BTS world than that), but were kind enough to accompany me to the movie. This one was filmed last year during their Love Yourself World Tour, starting with the opening dates in Seoul to the North American and European legs, so it featured both cities that I went to last year (Hamilton and Newark). This film features more group conversations than individual interviews like in Burn the Stage, which is nice because it feels more organic and focuses more on the group's synergy. Of course, there were tons of performances and behind the scenes moments as well; it's actually like all the BTS World Tour: Love Yourself DVDs (in Seoul, New York, and Europe) combined but filmed and edited more artistically.

I felt that overall, this film had a happier, more upbeat vibe than Burn the Stage, and there were tons of laugh-out-loud moments. If anything, this film makes me appreciate BTS even more, with how much time, effort, and passion they put into their work, and how many limitations they have now as global superstars. (Jin mentions in one scene taken in Germany that he feels guilty for going out to public places when they're abroad because he has to be accompanied by a manager and security detail, and he hates that he has to bother so many people just to leave his hotel room.) I totally want to watch this again, but I've looked at movie times in the next week, and they're all in the afternoon when I'm at work. I'll just have to wait until it's released for streaming. On the bright side, they will be releasing a Bring the Soul docuseries on their new platform Weverse later this month (which I assume will be like the Burn the Stage docuseries that was released on YouTube Red last year), so we get more behind the scenes episodes during the Love Yourself World Tour soon!
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