Makeup and Beauty Blog: Monday Poll, Vol. 567

Monday, March 11, 2019
This week's Monday Poll:
  1. What do you love about your hair? Hmm... it's at its healthiest right now.

  2. Fruity or spicy? I guess it depends on what it is, but I generally love spicy foods.

  3. When was the last time you sent a handwritten letter? Do notes count? Like, on Post-its? 'Cause if so, then like, today. Or if it's a greeting card, then two years ago. (I stopped giving out birthday cards last year and instead write on colourful Post-It notes so my thoughts get across to the person I'm giving them to, I don't have to spend money on a card, and the recipient doesn't have to feel guilty for throwing it out.) But a full-blown letter? It's been a long, long time, at least a decade.

  4. Who do you resemble in your family? Well, my brother and I really resemble each other (there is absolutely no doubt that we are related), but we don't look like our parents. I'd say we look most like our paternal grandmother.

  5. I think it's really important to be _____ Healthy. I am truly realizing this right now.

  6. BONUS QUESTION: Cheesecake or ice cream? I really do love cheesecake, but I tend to eat more ice cream, so I'll go with that. (Although these days, I can't each much of either.)
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