Saturday Nine: Suddenly I See (2005)

Saturday, November 4, 2017
This week's Saturday Nine:

  1. This song is a tribute to Patti Smith, the rocker who inspired KT Tunstall. What woman has inspired you? Hayley Williams. Resilient, non-conformist, determined, humble, powerhouse vocalist.

  2. In this video, you can see a turntable and an LP. When is the last time you played a record? Maybe a couple decades ago? When I was a kid, I asked my dad how to use his record player, so he showed me with his vinyl copy of Fleetwood Mac's Rumours.

  3. Growing up, Ms. Tunstall seldom sang at home because her father is severely hearing impaired and music interfered with his sensitive hearing aid. Do you, or does anyone in your family, wear a hearing aid? Not that I know of.

  4. In high school, she got experience performing on street corners. Have you ever tipped a street musician? Yes, but I don't do it often now. Mostly because there aren't any street musicians anywhere near where I live or work (most of them play downtown and I don't often go down there), but partially because I very rarely carry cash with me.

  5. When this song was popular, Microsoft introduced the Xbox 360 to North America. Are you into gaming? Only The Sims 4.

  6. In 2005, Prince Charles married his long-time love, Camilla Parker Bowles. At the time of their wedding, 73% of Brits said they disapproved of her. Today, her popularity has increased somewhat and her disapproval has dropped to 55%. Do you know anyone who married someone you didn't like? Did their spouse grow on you with time? No. I know people whose girlfriends/boyfriends I didn't like, but they never got to the marriage stage. Honestly, most of my friends are single.

  7. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire was popular in theatres. Who is your favourite Harry Potter character? Albus Dumbledore, followed very closely by Sirius Black.

  8. In 2005, YouTube was introduced by three young men who met while working at PayPal. What's the last thing you paid for using PayPal? Tickets to see Foo Fighters next July on their Concrete and Gold World Tour.

  9. Random Question: After a long, exhausting day of travel, you check into a motel. The room is not at all to your liking. It's next to the ice machine, so you can hear cubes dropping noisily into metal buckets. Your view is of the parking lot. The bath towels are thin and tiny. In short, you feel like you're being ripped off. Do you grab your bag, turn on your heel and check out, hoping there are better accommodations nearby? Or do you say, "What the hell, it's only one night," and climb into bed? So long as it's clean, I'll stay there. But if there's any sign of mould, mildew, bedbugs, cockroaches, or any type of pest, then I'm getting the fuck outta there.
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