Friday Five: Functions

Friday, November 3, 2017
This week's Friday Five:
  1. What are you holding your breath in anticipation of? July 12, 2018. I managed to get 100 Level seats for the Foo Fighters concert at Rogers Centre that day!

  2. What most recently gave you goosebumps? Watching Paramore perform at Massey Hall a couple weeks ago. Hayley Williams' vocals always give me goosebumps.

  3. What's giving you that pain in the neck? Literally speaking, sleeping at a weird angle with my pillow at a weird incline gave me a serious neck cramp the other day. Figuratively, there's someone at work that's been really aggravating me and most of my team recently and I'm hoping it's just a phase. I think we're going to give it until the end of the year before seeing if we need to escalate the situation.

  4. What's making your heart ache? Paying off my new MacBook Pro. I just paid off my five-year loan and my car, and it was nice to be debt-free for a while, you know? I don't regret getting the laptop, mind you, but it was an unexpected purchase and I definitely have to be more frugal in the next couple months. And I hate being frugal. Especially this close to the holidays.

  5. What are you yawning at? Literally, work. It has been kicking my ass this week, and I am exhausted. And to add insult to injury, I also have to get up at 5:00am for a national staff meeting on Sunday. I can't wait until my day off (Monday).

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