T.G.I. Friday's

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Went to T.G.I. Friday's for lunch and had a Jack Daniel's Burger, which was huge (like, the size of my head), but pretty damn good. Nothing spectacular or super unique, but it was juicy and flavourful and satisfying. Ironically, I could have done without the Jack Daniel's part of the burger, which is in the BBQ sauce (it's not bad, it's just not fantastic). I've never understood why all these American chain restaurants have franchises in Niagara Falls but not anywhere else in Canada.
5 comments on "T.G.I. Friday's"
  1. Cool! I had TGI's for lunch today. What a coincidence :) I had their chicken quesadillas.

  2. Ooooh, I thought they only had TGIFriday's in the US! (And Niagara Falls, apparently.) Or are you still in the States?

  3. I think the chains are in Niagara for all the cross-border tourists. There's no demand for them within Toronto. Either that or they're waiting to buy out chains like Milestone and Jack Astor's.

  4. Fair enough. TGIFriday's is very, very similar to places like Jack Astor's. I think maybe Toronto is too saturated with these type of restaurants. I do, however, still think The Cheesecake Factory should come here, and I think there's a demand for it (especially from me!). :)

  5. No, this was Norway :) TGI Friday's is quite international. We also have a few branches in Malaysia.


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