Rock & Republic

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

My package from Hautelook finally arrived! A couple weeks ago, they had a Rock & Republic denim sale starting at 50% off. I refuse to buy premium jeans at full price now, so I jumped at the chance. Thusly, I ordered the Kasandra Boot Cut Jeans in the Rattle Blue Wash and the Roth Flare Jeans in the Maxi Bar Blue Wash, both of which were $79, down from $195 each. I'm always wary about buying clothes online because you don't really know what the colours will look like in person or how they'll fit, but they both fit like a dream and the washes are even nicer in person than the pictures online. Now, I just have to get them hemmed. Seriously, who wears pants with a 36" inseam?
3 comments on "Rock & Republic"
  1. OMG isn't it the worst when you have to hem your jeans? Like it's not bad enough I have to find jeans that fit my ass but now I have to take them to get altered, pay for this service, and then wait for them to be completed? UGH UGH!

    I have soooo many pairs of jeans at home that I haven't bothered to get hemmed. Just too damn lazy!

  2. It's THE WORST. Like, you're so excited because you got these awesome jeans and you want to wear them right away but you can't because they'll drag all over the floor. Or you can fold the bottoms but then you'll end up looking like a pirate or something. :(

    Lucky for me, my mom hems all my jeans, lol! One of the perks of living at home. :P But, seriously, she hemmed off SIX INCHES. She could make a pair of shorts out of those!

  3. My mom always offers to do my pants but she doesn't know how to do a Euro hem so I gotta fork out the cash to have someone do it. It totally wipes out anything I save on jeans when it's an additional $20 to alter them!

    Yeah, but seriously, even tall people can't fit into a 36" inseam!! What scammers!


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