Kraft Dinner Deluxe

Thursday, March 24, 2011

I wanted something fast and simple for dinner after work this evening, so I busted out a box of Kraft Dinner. I actually don't like Kraft Dinner the way it was meant to be; I like to add extra things to it to add different flavours and textures and, you know, nutrition. So I cut up some Italian meatballs, added a cup of peas and about half a pound of cheddar cheese, a tiny bit of cream, plus some salt, pepper, and oregano. And it was delightfully good! So I like to call this Kraft Dinner Deluxe.
5 comments on "Kraft Dinner Deluxe"
  1. This is faaaantastic! I just made myself a Kraft dinner dinner. None of the fancy stuff you put in it unfortunately, just about 1KG of cheese.

    Cheese makes everything yummier. Kind of like bacon.

  2. Bacon cheeseburger KD is what this is starting to sound like..!

  3. Haha, Kat, why are we so classy?

    Though, you bring up a good point... I need to get some bacon.

    Bacon cheeseburger KD would be EPIC.

  4. is ice cream better with bacon?

  5. Haha, I don't know, but I'd try it. Totally gonna go to Denny's.


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