All Star Wings

Friday, February 11, 2011
Shawn and I went to All Star Wings (at Woodbine & 16th) for dinner, during which we probably experienced the worst service of all time. When we inquired about some of the flavours, our waitress went to grab her "cheat sheet" because she couldn't remember what all of them were. Fair enough, it's hard to remember 100+ flavours. But when she came back with said cheat sheet and we asked what a few different flavours are, she got super impatient with us and said, "Ugh, can I come back in a few minutes?" Okay, we understood, she had other customers waiting as well. So we asked if she could leave the cheat sheet so she wouldn't have to spend so long with us, and she said simply, "I'm not allowed to give it to customers."

I'm not sure how her logic worked, because even after she helps all her other customers, we're still going to have the same amount of questions regarding their asinine menu (I mean, what the hell is "Ephestius" flavoured wings?), which means she'll still end up spending that same amount of time with us. She could easily have explained to us, in a nice way, that she was getting slammed, and would we mind giving her a few minutes to help serve other people? We're rational people, we've been in customer service and we would've understood. What pissed us off was that she kept sighing and rolling her eyes, like we were severely wasting her time. Is she not getting paid to serve us? Customers should be equally as important, no?

She finally came back after nearly fifteen minutes (that is a long time to wait just to be waited on), and we eventually just ordered two flavours that we weren't even sure sounded good (let alone taste good), 'cause we didn't want to ask anymore questions. The first one was the "Canadian" flavour, which is honey garlic and teriyaki. I'm not sure why they named it "Canadian," seeing as there's really nothing Canadian about it. It tasted kind of tangy and sweet but salty as well, and the mix just didn't seem to work. The second flavour we got was the "Jamaican Jerk," which tasted like a weird combination of spices including cinnamon, which is not exactly a spice I like with my chicken. Both flavours were mediocre, at best. This is why they should list the menu describing each flavour. Seriously, it's customers' biggest complaint for a reason.

We ended up ordering dessert because the wings were so unsatisfying. So we went with the Dulce de Leche cheesecake, 'cause you really can't go wrong with that. And it was really good. But it's also ready-made by another company, so I can't say that it's because of their efforts. In the end, it's not really the food that we'll remember. It's at no fault of theirs that we didn't love the wings, because we picked the flavours and it's usually trial-and-error at All Star Wings. What we will remember, though, is the super-impatient and, let's just say it, bitchy waitress. She alone is the reason why I doubt we'll be going back to this location any time soon.
4 comments on "All Star Wings"
  1. I hate rude service, too. I'm always like, b***, shouldn't you be kissing my a** right now?? Food establishments don't just survive on good food. Excellent customer service is super important, too. It's what keeps people coming back.

    Used to work at Red Lobster in Thornhill and I had my fair share of rude customers, but you just can't do the same to them. Your tip depends on how well you take their crap. You only win when you don't let them get to you.

    When they (servers) start getting all short and rude with me, I just make them repeat what they had already said. I'll ask what the soup of the day is then ask it again before she leaves and maybe a third time. Or I'll ask for a napkin then ask for a refill as soon she brings said drink then ask for a 'cleaner' spoon when said drink is procured.

    Yes, I'm a vindictive biatch ESPECIALLY when I'm hungry.

  2. Excellent customer service is true for all fields, I think. But you'd think that servers that work on tips or commission would be especially good with this. I'd been working on commission for so long (at Shoppers and then at Lancome) that it's second nature to me to always be courteous and personable. Customers that like you will always come back to see you!

    I am totally going to try that next time a server is being rude! I think I've been in retail for so long that it never occurred to me that I could be one of those SUPER ANNOYING customers. Ugh, I totally wanted to cuss the fuck out of that waitress...

  3. Did you get her name? If not then I'm sure your receipt has her employee number. I would totally call the place and request to speak with the manager to complain.

  4. I didn't get her name, unfortunately. And I didn't save the receipt, either, 'cause Shawn paid for it. But I think she's the only Asian waitress there... and I would definitely recognize her face.

    I've never been one of those people who complained to managers, 'cause I don't want to get someone fired... I always think it's bad karma or something. :P I just wish there was some other way to get her to improve her service. Come to think of it, she probably does deserve to get fired 'cause I don't think she knows the meaning of service, anyway. Either way, calling her manager would just take up my precious time. I just won't go back for a while... Duff's and St. Louis are better, anyway! :P


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