Friday Five

Friday, February 11, 2011
This week's Friday Five:
  1. What's the best thing about being awake when the rest of the world seems to be sleeping? I'm used to this, 'cause I'm usually nocturnal. I generally prefer night-time to the day. I'd have to say that the best thing about being awake in the middle of the night is going for a drive. There's no one else on the road, so it's all yours. No insanely annoying drivers, no honking, no pedestrians. It's calm and peaceful. Seriously, it's my catharsis.
  2. Where can you go when you get a case of the late-night munchies? Markham Station! If I want something quick, then it's just McDonald's... or I can stock up on snacks at the gas station.
  3. What open-all-night establishment has saved you from catastrophe, and what were the circumstances? The gas station. I ran out of cigarettes. Now, that's a catastrophe!
  4. What's the worst thing about being awake when the rest of the world seems to be sleeping? Well, it can be very lonely when everyone else is asleep. Sometimes, I just want to call someone up to chat, but I don't want to wake them up. Also, most restaurants are closed...
  5. When you are up all night at home for whatever reason, what's most likely to be on the television to keep you company? Whatever I'm in the mood to watch. I only ever watch television shows on DVD. Most recently, it was Dexter: Season 4.
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