Friday Five: Speed

Friday, May 12, 2023
This week's Friday Five:

  1. What do you do very quickly? Type (on a QWERTY keyboard). I average about 130 WPM with 98% accuracy.

  2. What do you do very slowly? I don't know if I do anything very slowly. By nature, I try to be as efficient as possible. I guess I'm slower in the mornings when I have to get ready for work, but that's usually because I've only had 5 hours of sleep and my arm is still numb from laying on it for too long...

  3. What caused you most recently to be late for something? About a month ago, I completely forgot to set my alarm to get up for work and I ended up sleeping in until 10:00AM. (Y'all, the danger of having blackout curtains...) I had like, 6 missed calls on my work phone, so I immediately called my boss to tell him I forgot to set my alarm. I'd never done this before so he was totally forgiving (he even told me to take my time getting ready), but still, the utter panic I had when I woke up and looked at my clock...

  4. Today is the 132nd day of the year. Have the days gone quickly or slowly? Quickly. Too quickly. Not just this year, but the past decade seems to have flown by and now I'm closer to 40 than to 30 and I feel like I just grew up.

  5. What will you take your time on this weekend? Playing The Sims 4. It's been over two months since I last played and they've released a new expansion pack and all these new kits and I want to take my time discovering all the new content.
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