Friday Five: Hearth

Friday, January 21, 2022
This week's Friday Five:
  1. How long have you lived in your current residence? One year and four months.

  2. What changes have you made to it since you got there? Oh, a lot. Mostly because a significant amount of my decor is BTS-themed and I buy a lot of BTS merch and therefore change things up quite frequently, especially wall art. But even in the last three months, I've added an air purifier and a humidifier and a computer monitor, changed my bedding and pillows and shower curtain and bath rugs. I've also changed all my small appliances since I moved in — toaster, air fryer, Nespresso machine — so my kitchen looks entirely different than it did even six months ago. So, yeah, as I said, a lot.

  3. What surprised you about living in your place or in your neighbourhood? There are way more people in my building with children than I expected. It has only further confirmed why I don't want children. It also surprised me how much people don't know how to properly throw out the garbage or separate their recyclables and organics.

  4. If someone were considering moving in next door, what would you warn them about? I would warn them to wear ear plugs to bed because you will absolutely not get a good night's sleep without them.

  5. If you have to move in the next 45 days, what are you definitely not taking with you? The 25" television that my friend's dad gave me when I moved in, which is still sitting in my storage locker. It's not that I don't appreciate the gesture, it's that I've realized that with the Internet and a good computer monitor, I absolutely do not need a TV. 
2 comments on "Friday Five: Hearth"
  1. I'm getting ready to move, and I considered not bringing the TV for the same reasons. However, my TV is only 32 inches so it doesn't dominate the room, and I like to watch sports on it instead of a monitor. So it's coming with me and the Nespresso machine is probably not. I haven't been using it because I've cut back on coffee. :s

    1. Ooh, congrats! Why are you moving and where are you moving to?

      I tried cutting back on coffee, but it did not work as I simply do not function without it, so I actually have two coffee machines and yet still no TV... :P

      However, my monitor is actually 25", so I guess it's the same thing, lol.


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