Friday Five: Eyes on the prize

Friday, July 23, 2021
This week's Friday Five:
  1. What gadget did you most recently obtain, and which gadget do you have your eyes on? I just got some new mini kitchen appliances (a waffle maker, a griddle, and a grill) a couple weeks ago, and I'm currently eyeing a this compact air fryer...

  2. What business establishment did you most recently visit for the first time, and which do you have your eyes on? Honestly, I haven't actually gone anywhere that I don't normally go to (e.g. supermarket, pharmacy, McDonald's drive-thru, etc.) since the lockdown order was lifted a couple weeks ago... but I am hoping to go to a restaurant to actually dine-in very soon. In fact, my dad just asked me to see if I wanted to go to dim sum on Monday, so that'll be it. I AM SO EXCITED.

  3. What movie did you most recently see, and which do you you have your eyes on? I think I most recently re-watched Pitch Perfect 2 sometime in the winter. (I don't watch movies often anymore.) But I actually really want to watch Pixar's Luca. Except I don't have Disney+ and I refuse to get it (or any other streaming subscription service), so I'm just hoping it'll be made available for digital purchase/rent on YouTube Movies or the iTunes Store. 

  4. What reading material did you most recently consume, and which do you have your eyes on? Umm...  I re-read Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix several months ago... (Man, I forgot how much of a heinous bitch Dolores Umbridge is.) Honestly, I've been so out of the loop with reading, I don't even know what new releases there are now. I have so many books in series to catch up on, too. So, at the moment, I'm gonna go with none.

  5. Which current event has been of greatest interest to you this week, and which do you think will grab your attention next week? BTS was appointed as Presidential Special Envoy for Future Generations and Culture by the South Korean president, and they will be flying out to NYC in September to make a speech at the 76th UN General Assembly. Realistically, for next week, it'll probably be "Permission to Dance" maintaining its No. 1 spot on the Billboard Hot 100 for a second week, but I am PRAYING for a BTS world tour announcement...
2 comments on "Friday Five: Eyes on the prize"
  1. I have the Dash waffle iron in teal and the egg cooker in red. The egg cooker is pretty terrific! I haven't seen the other two you got, but now I'm super intrigued, especially by the grill. Looking forward to more food pics out of you!

    1. Ooooh, maybe I should get the egg cooker! All this time, I've been wasting time by boiling eggs the old fashioned way... and it comes with a poaching function, too! And I don't have to watch it because it has auto shut-off! I think this will come in handy more than an air fryer right now. Think it might be my next purchase, lol.

      I haven't tried the grill yet, but will definitely post about it when I do! :)


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