Friday Five: ℞

Friday, June 25, 2021
This week's Friday Five:
  1. What's your prescription for a case of Weekend Uncertainties? Make a To Do List? I don't know, I'm not often uncertain of my weekends. If I don't have any set plans, I usually do all the things I have to get done for my household, like grocery shopping or cleaning. And then when I'm done those, I just do something BTS-related (listen to music, watch videos, etc.) or play The Sims 4 or get lost in random YouTube videos. (I've been into watching Japan travel videos recently.)

  2. What's your prescription for a persistent case of Restless Munchies Syndrome? Go to McDonald's and get some McNuggets and fries. That's what I always did when I got the munchies. But I guess if you wanna be healthy or whatever, you just gotta drink water. Or go to sleep.

  3. What's your prescription for Streamer's Indecision? Get into BTS. 

  4. What's your prescription for a hypersensitive Get Off My Lawn reflex? I guess it depends who's on my hypothetical lawn. (I don't have a lawn.) I guess I'd have to investigate why they are on my lawn and go from there. But I guess at the end of the day, I'd just ask them (nicely) to get off my lawn. If they refuse, I'd probably psychoanalyze them to see why they are so obsessed with my lawn and persuade them to go back to their own lawn. If that doesn't work, then I guess I'd have to get the authorities involved. Because violence could lead to assault charges and I don't wanna deal with that.

  5. What's your prescription for an inflamed FOMO? Oh, I don't get FOMO. I do everything I can so I don't get FOMO. So I guess if someone has FOMO and can't do anything about it, I'd have to advise them to do some retail therapy. Or food therapy. Or BTS therapy.
1 comment on "Friday Five: ℞"
  1. Yeah I don't have a lot of FOMO myself, but I'm always seeing good food photos in my IG stream and making notes for later. I guess I get a lot of food envy! :)


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