Unboxing: BTS Global Official Fanclub — Merch Box #2

Sunday, May 9, 2021
A couple weeks ago, my Merch Box #2 from the BTS ARMY Global Fanclub Membership arrived. (Yes, I finally got around to picking it up from my concierge.) As mentioned previously, the biggest change in this year's membership was the addition of the Merch Pack Membership option. The price of this membership is $150 USD rather than the usual $22, but it includes four merch boxes during the membership period. Shipping costs aren't included, so the $150 price tag ends up being closer to $250 (or more, depending on where you live), but I still saw it as being worth it considering each merch box comes with about $50 - 100 worth of merch, and they're all exclusive membership items that you can't get otherwise.  
BTS Global Official Fanclub — Merch Box #2

BTS Global Official Fanclub — Merch Box #2

BTS Global Official Fanclub — Merch Box #2 — Picnic Basket

BTS Global Official Fanclub — Merch Box #2 — Picnic Basket

The main item in this box is a picnic set, just in time for picnic season. (At least, it will be when this pesky stay-at-home order is over.) The whole set is made out of plastic, which I appreciate because that means it's both waterproof and easy to clean. (I don't understand the appeal of wicker baskets, to be honest. Like, they're cute, but if you get food or drink on it, it's over. And I think that defeats the purpose of a vessel that is meant to hold food or drink, no?) The lid of the basket locks in place when you put the handles up but it also acts as a tray when removed, which I thought was quite clever. 

BTS Global Official Fanclub — Merch Box #2 — Cutlery + Tablecloth

BTS Global Official Fanclub — Merch Box #2 — Bowls + Cups

BTS Global Official Fanclub — Merch Box #2 — Bowl + Cup (Detail)

BTS Global Official Fanclub — Merch Box #2 — Plates

Inside the basket, you'll find everything you need for a picnic for two: forks, spoons, a tablecloth, bowls, cups, and plates. All of these items together only take up about half of the basket, so there's still plenty of room for food. If you're anything like me, though, you won't use this picnic basket for the actual outdoors. (Because nature means bugs and bugs like food.) But it'll be really handy for car picnics (e.g. ordering takeout and setting up shop on the trunk of the car), which I had quite a few of last summer. (Because, you know, pandemic.) While I don't think this set is as pretty or sleek as the items from Merch Box #1, I still find it to be really cute and useful and perfect for all ages to enjoy. 

BTS Global Official Fanclub — Merch Box #2 — Recipe Card

BTS Global Official Fanclub — Merch Box #2 — Photocard + Tattoo Stickers

The set also comes with a recipe card for "Bingo Sweet Potato Matang" (which are essentially sugared pan-fried sweet potatoes that sound freaking delicious), a requisite BTS group photocard, and, randomly, two packs of temporary tattoos featuring spring-themed designs. Now I just have to wait for the weather to actually get warmer and the lockdown to be over to start having those car picnics again...
5 comments on "Unboxing: BTS Global Official Fanclub — Merch Box #2"
  1. Hi Denise! Big fan of your blog, I love your Bangtan updates and merch reviews! I had a question about buying BTS merch and I figured you'd be the best person to ask! (Us blog readers know you have tons of experience there! haha) So there are a few things I want from the Weverse Shop but the fees are putting me off from buying. I know any merch purchases from Korea are going to come with a big shipping fee and I'm prepared to pay that, but I know that DHL packages are usually slapped with customs and it adds to the cost, especially if you buy multiple orders from Weverse. I've checked out third party sellers but after their markup, it costs about the same as buying from Weverse. It seems you buy merch pretty frequently so I was wondering how you ship your packages into Canada. Do you buy from Weverse and pay the DHL shipping and customs? Or are you still using Korgou (not sure if their prices are more reasonable now)? Do you have any advice on how I can minimize costs when buying BTS merch? Thanks so much in advance!!

    1. Hi Ella!
      Thank you for reading! Haha, I actually didn't realize that people actually read these posts - I just kept doing them just for fun, lol!

      Generally speaking, I purchase from Weverse Shop and pay the DHL. Korgou was good for a while a couple years ago and even until early last year, but they've gotten so expensive that it's actually much cheaper to just ship DHL, even with duties. (Seriously, I paid over $100 USD in shipping from Korgou for less than 5kg worth of goods. Using EMS. It's brutal.)

      One way I've been minimizing shipping costs is actually ordering with my friend, who is also an ARMY. We order almost everything together (unless it's a 1 per person item on Weverse) and split the shipping that way. If you can find an ARMY near you who also wants to buy merch, I definitely suggest buying together. Similarly, you can use GO's, but a lot of them take months and months to process. So you do save on shipping with GO's, but you may not get your merch for nearly a year. Other than that, there's not much else you can do right now to reduce shipping costs during this pandemic. Hopefully, with Weverse Shop changing their distribution centre will give us more shipping options soon!

      Thank you for reading and commenting! :)

    2. Thank you so much for responding! This is really helpful, it's good to know that Weverse is now the best option (taking cost and time into account) so I'll be sticking with that. Also, I love your blog! Your genuineness and your love for the boys really show through in your posts so they're a pleasure to read. I hope you continue with your blog for a long time! :a

    3. I'm glad I could be a little helpful to you! :)

      Thank you again for commenting - it's very encouraging to read that you like my posts and actually read them. I genuinely appreciate it! I've been posting about BTS for years here just because I don't like to comment on YouTube or reply to Twitter or other social media. There's just too much toxicity on public platforms, so this blog is how I share my love and thoughts on BTS. :)

      I hope you continue to be a reader for a long time! <3


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