Friday Five: The Hot Seat

Friday, July 19, 2019
This week's Friday Five:
  1. What's a yummy pan-fried dish? Seafood pajeon!

  2. What's a yummy slow-cooked dish? Pot roast!

  3. What's a yummy deep-fried dish? Tonkatsu!

  4. What's a yummy blanched dish? Wait, can you blanch anything else but vegetables? I guess I'm gonna have to go with good ol' choy sum with oyster sauce.

  5. What's a yummy smoked dish? Montreal smoked meat!
2 comments on "Friday Five: The Hot Seat"
  1. It never occurred to me that you can only blanche veggies. I think you can blanch nuts too, but those are sorta vegetables. Also, in a universe where everything is deep-fried everywhere, I love that my people have mastered it best with tonkatsu. You're totally right about that. When it's done well there's nothing better!

    1. Haha, yeah, vegetables, legumes, nuts -- same category. :P

      God, I love tonkatsu. Pork, chicken, sauce, no sauce, Japanese, Korean... as long as it's battered properly, it's always good. Great, now I'm hungry.


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