Photolog 2019: Day 201 of 365

Saturday, July 20, 2019

It is a literal sauna outside. Staying inside with the AC today, thanks.
2 comments on "Photolog 2019: Day 201 of 365"
  1. My sister spent three years in Afghanistan. Summer temperatures over 40°.

    Wearing black battle dress uniform and body armor.

    I am a northern girl. My blood is too hot. I'd rather go to the Arctic Zone. Or a Green Bay Packers game in December.

    1. There's usually a few days when we get a heat wave that it reaches about 38-39° here, but we also take humidex into account in Canada, so it often feels like 40° or more on a regular summer day. Sometimes it gets as hot as Dubai here.

      I am also a Northern girl. I rarely mind the cold as I do the heat.


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