Friday Five: It Means Everything

Friday, March 1, 2019
This week's Friday Five:
  1. If you were outside right now, what would you most likely be doing? Smoking.

  2. Right now, what's a little too close to you? Literally? Nothing, at the moment. In my heart? BTS, always.

  3. Right now, who misses you? Hmm... no one I can think of. If someone truly missed me, they'd have reached out to me already.

  4. Right now, what's having its way with you? Winter. It's kicking all of our Canadian asses. But personally, my health. I went to the doctor's last week for a whole other reason and found out I have really high blood pressure. So I'm on meds right now.

  5. What do you most wish you were doing right now? Realistically, I'd say watching BTS in concert. (May 18 cannot come fast enough.) Unrealistically, I'd say hanging out with BTS in person.
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