Saturday Nine: We Need a Little Christmas (2006)

Saturday, December 15, 2018
This week's Saturday Nine:

You can hear this week's song here.
  1. At the beginning of this recording, Daffy says he hopes all his friends remember his size, style and favourite colour. What piece of clothing would you like to add to your wardrobe? I would like my BT21 x Anti Social Social Club hoodies to be shipped so they can finally be added to my wardrobe.

  2. His friends are late for Daffy's holiday soiree. Think about the last get together you attended. Were you early, late or right on time? I don't really do big get-togethers, but the last time I had a get-together was on Wednesday with Ronsee and Chelsea, and I was coming in from work so I was a few minutes early. I find that I'm only really late when I'm driving from my house.

  3. It hasn't a snowed a single flurry where Daffy is. Have you had to shovel yet? No; we've had snow, but it hasn't been a significant amount that would require shovelling.

  4. Daffy sings that he's looking forward to fruitcake. How about you? Are you a fruitcake fan? Not particularly, but most of my family seems to love it. I'll eat some if it's handed to me, but I'll never ask for it.

  5. Daffy is an American Black Duck. Their usual diet doesn't generally include fruitcake. These ducks more commonly dine on seeds, foliage and bugs. What was your most recent meal? Malay laksa noodle soup from Deer Garden.

  6. The only Christmas card Sam has received so far this year is from her insurance agent. She never sees her agent socially. In fact, she doesn't think she's seen him at all in 2018. Have you received many cards this year? If so, were they from people you feel close to? I received two birthday cards last month, and yes, one was from my friend/manager Sam, and the other was from my friend Chelsea. As for Christmas cards, I'm not expecting any. I might receive a couple from colleagues, but my family and friends outside of work don't normally exchange Christmas cards.

  7. When do you start holiday shopping: Christmas Eve, Thanksgiving/Black Friday, Halloween? I don't really do much holiday shopping, at least for gifts. I'll get something for my Secret Santa at work, maybe Ronsee and Chelsea, but no one else, really. And I'll probably do that sometime next week, so... the week before Christmas. My brother and I are planning on getting a basic laptop for my mom as well, but my brother's going to be in charge of that and I just have to send him money, so I don't have to worry about it.

  8. Sam was recently driven crazy by kids running through store aisles wearing elf hats with bells. Do you have any apparel that makes noise? God, no. See, it's one thing for kids to be wearing annoying shit like that, but adults have no reason whatsoever.

  9. This time of year is big for charitable fundraising. Here's your chance to plug a cause or organization that's near and dear to you. Love Myself by BTS and UNICEF, which raises funds to help protect and support child and teen victims of domestic, school violence, and sexual assault around the world. 
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