Friday Five: A Real Head-Scratcher

Friday, December 21, 2018
This week's Friday Five:
  1. What are some pencil-and-paper puzzles you enjoy? I seldom do pencil-and-paper puzzles these days, but I used to love doing Sudoku and crosswords in newspapers everyday on my commute to school.

  2. What are some video (or computer or mobile app) puzzle games you've enjoyed? I do play Words with Friends and Candy Crush Soda regularly. I've also really been into Slices recently.

  3. When did you last work on a jigsaw puzzle? At least two decades ago.

  4. What's puzzling you right now? This whole mess with Huawei's CFO, and how she is still being detained despite not breaking any Canadian or American laws. Trump is getting too fucking paranoid.

  5. Who is the most enigmatic person you know? I don't think anyone I know personally is really that enigmatic, but among those I don't know personally, I'd say it's Suga of BTS. I always want to know what he's really thinking. He's the most quiet and stoic, and yet through his music and lyrics, we know he has some of the darkest thoughts. When asked questions, he'll answer very briefly and bluntly, but never in detail. I really hope he writes a memoir one day.

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