Friday Five: Who Put the Pomp in the Pomp Bah Pomp Bah Pomp

Friday, May 11, 2018
This week's Friday Five:
  1. What's something you remember about your high school graduation? The ceremony was held outside in a massive white tent. It was hot. We had to wear white for the ceremony as per tradition, and my outfit was hideous because I didn't bother looking for white clothing until like, two days prior. It was long as fuck. And when it was over, I just thought, "FINALLY."

  2. If you were asked to speak at a commencement ceremony this year, what would be the theme of your message? "Cleverness is a gift; kindness is a choice."

  3. What items in your possession are marked with the name or logo of your high school or college? My grad sweatshirt and my yearbooks. I didn't keep anything else.

  4. What do you expect will be your next rite of passage? Um, homeowner? That can be considered a rite of passage, no? If not, then probably death, 'cause I don't know if I'll get married.

  5. What's a good movie with a graduation scene, or a good movie with a graduation theme? I'm gonna go with Legally Blonde for this one. Partially because it's the only one I can think of right now, but mostly because it's the most iconic graduation-related movie of my generation.
2 comments on "Friday Five: Who Put the Pomp in the Pomp Bah Pomp Bah Pomp"
  1. I always wondered if schools kept their graduation ceremonies SUPER short, would audiences and grads be grateful or would they feel kind of ripped off?

    1. I'd be grateful. I went to a very old private school so on top of the typical speeches and diploma hand-out, there were also a number of traditional ceremonies that almost seemed cult-like in hindsight. (Like lighting candles and chanting random Latin phrases and shit like that.) My grad ceremony could've been at least an hour shorter and have achieved the same result.


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