Friday Five: Vive la Différence

Friday, April 20, 2018
This week's Friday Five:
  1. What's a food that tastes completely unlike anything else you can think of? Taco Bell. Pretty much everything at Taco Bell tastes the same, but no other place tastes like Taco Bell. (God, I love Taco Bell.)

  2. What's a movie that's completely unlike any movie you can think of? Amélie. There's a myriad of reasons why it's my favourite movie, but the fact that it's original is definitely one of them.

  3. Who's a musician or band you consider completely unoriginal but whom you still like? Other than BTS (who I find sound incredibly unique in an industry that spits out groups that sound identical to each other), I only really listen to rock/alternative, and I find that there's always something distinct about every band that I actually like. For example, I've been listening to some of the new tracks from CHVRCHES' upcoming album, and while I wouldn't say that they sound that unique sonically (their new songs all share that indie, synth-pop kind of vibe), Lauren Mayberry's voice is so distinct that I immediately know it's CHVRCHES. So while there's definitely overlap in the way rock music is sung, played, mixed, produced, etc., I wouldn't say any of the artists I like are completely unoriginal.

  4. Who or what are two people or things you keep mixing up with one another? Um, for the longest time, I mixed up Selena Gomez and Vanessa Hudgens. I don't make that mistake anymore because Vanessa Hudgens fell right off the radar, but they were both Disney stars with long, dark hair, and I just didn't care to notice the differences. Oh, and also, old fashion and sour cream doughnuts. All I can say is that they're both gross.

  5. What's something you'll do this weekend that's different from your normal weekend activity? To be honest, probably nothing. Most of my weekends are the same. I'm usually working, and if I do have a weekend day off (typically Sunday), I'm usually at home catching up on house chores and watching BTS videos. Because my schedule is different every week and I don't work Monday to Friday, I don't really care whether it's the weekend or not. That having been said, the weather is going to be really nice all weekend (it actually feels like Spring now, despite the ice storm last weekend), so I probably should try to get outside... But knowing me, I probably won't.
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