Saturday Nine: Is There Life Out There (1991)

Saturday, March 3, 2018
This week's Saturday Nine:

  1. This song is about a woman who married at 20. It's estimated that the average American groom is 2.5 years older than his bride. Why do you suppose that is? Because women typically mature faster than men.

  2. A 2014 study shows the bigger the age gap in a marriage, the more likely the couple is to divorce. What do you think is the reason for most divorces? Resentment.

  3. Reba's second marriage recently ended. Statistics show that second marriages are more likely than first marriages to wind up in divorce. Why do you suppose that is? I don't actually know anyone who has been married a second time, but I assume it's because by the second marriage, you have higher expectations and a lower tolerance for bullshit.

  4. This week's featured artist, Reba McEntire, was discovered when she sang The National Anthem at an Oklahoma City rodeo. Have you ever been to the rodeo? No. Firstly, I live in Toronto. Secondly, I have no interest in rodeos.

  5. Reba dropped out of Southeastern Oklahoma State University to go to Nashville and pursue a recording career. In that way, she's like the woman she sings about in this week's song. "She's done what she should, should she do what she dares?" Do you ever regret a risk or opportunity you didn't take? No, but probably because I've spent the last decade seeking out opportunities rather than being presented with opportunities.

  6. Reba's heroine is "dying to try something foolish, do something crazy, or just get away." Does that sound like you? What would you do, just for yourself, if time and money were no object? Follow BTS on their world tour. (Yes, this is how far deep I'm in.)

  7. Reba recently became a spokesperson for Kentucky Fried Chicken. Whose chicken do you eat most often: Popeye's, Church's, Chick-fil-A, or KFC? It's occurred to me that I don't eat a lot of fried chicken from fast food chains. I mean, I guess if I had to pick out of those four, it'd be KFC because it's the most readily available here. But I always end up getting Chicken McNuggets from McDonald's or the chicken strips at Hero Burger (which are surprisingly excellent) over an actual fried chicken chain.

  8. In 2001, Reba starred in her own sitcom. On the show, her character is first an administrative assistant and then a real estate agent. Have you ever tried your hand at either of those occupations? If not, which do you think you would be a better fit for you? Real estate agent. I'd actually be a really good administrative assistant, but I have a more outgoing personality that would suit real estate. Also I've been told that I can sell snow to an eskimo, so I think I'd be fairly successful as a real estate agent.

  9. Random question: Which of these super powers would you rather have — extraordinary strength or invisibility? Invisibility. It'd be much more useful to me than extraordinary strength, 'cause honestly, what would I need that much strength for? Carrying people? Punching holes in walls? Building a house with my bare hands? No, thanks.
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