Friday Five: Payday

Friday, September 29, 2017
This week's Friday Five:
  1. From whom did you receive your first real paycheck? Shoppers Drug Mart, in 2005. I was a cosmetician there, and it was my first "real" job (you know, where I was actually on payroll).

  2. Among board games involving the exchange of money, which have you enjoyed most? The Game of Life.

  3. PayDay is the name of a candy bar consisting of salted peanuts rolled in caramel surrounding a firm, nougat-like center. How does it sound to you if you haven't tried it, and how do you like it if you have? Is there a similar candy bar you like better? I have tried one and remember it being enjoyable, but it's not readily available in Canada so I don't see it often (there are some smaller variety and specialty stores that carry it, but it's not common). The only other candy bars that I can think of that have the combination of peanuts, caramel, and nougat are Snickers and Baby Ruth, both of which are okay but not necessarily better. I don't eat a lot of candy bars in general, though, so I wouldn't go out of my way to buy any of these. (And if I was going to buy a candy bar, it'd be a Coffee Crisp.)

  4. When did you last do something nice for yourself just because it was pay day? Today, which, coincidentally, is pay day! I treated myself to two pairs of sunglasses from Quay Australia — the High Key in gold with olive lenses, and the Genesis in tortoiseshell with rose lenses 'cause they're on sale.

  5. What person with the surname Day are you most familiar with? The only person that I even recognize with the surname Day is Doris Day but I haven't actually seen any of her movies or listened to any of her songs. If hyphenate names counts, then it's gotta be Daniel Day-Lewis, for sure.

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