The Lights on the Horizon Tour: Metric — Breathing Underwater

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Here's the video I filmed of Metric performing "Breathing Underwater" during the Lights on the Horizon tour with Death Cab for Cutie at Air Canada Centre on March 23, 2016. I managed to get VIP passes for this concert, so my friend Austin and I had the pleasure of meeting Metric and enjoying a little acoustic singalong before the show. I've actually met Metric before, after their performance for the Ryerson University Picnic & Parade when I was just starting second year (I still have my signed set list from that day), and they're honestly just as humble and down to earth now as they were 11 years ago when they were still relatively unknown. Of course, now they're a much bigger deal and meeting them is an official "thing," so we got a lanyard tag and some merch and a signed lyric sheet as souvenirs, and they took group photos of us with the band and shot a video of the whole meet and greet. What we didn't expect from this VIP experience, however, was them surprising us by inviting us on stage to sing "Dreams So Real" with them. And I gotta tell you, in my 29 years of life, being on stage at the Air Canada Centre, facing a crowd of thousands, and singing along with one of Canada's biggest bands has got to be one of the most surreal moments of my life.
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