Sunday Video Love: Synthetica

Sunday, November 10, 2013

It has been almost a full year since Metric has released a new single or music video, and here I thought they were finished up with promoting Synthetica (which was released last summer) and starting to work on some new material. I was a little disappointed that there weren't more singles from Synthetica, because I think it's really a phenomenal record. Then, a few months ago, Paramore (another favourite band) announced their Self-Titled Tour with Metric as their opening band, so I obviously had to rush to get my tickets for the Toronto date (which is next week, actually!). You can imagine my extreme disappointment when I learned that Metric isn't going to be at any of the Canadian tour dates (ironic, no?). I'm taking solace in the fact that Metric finally released a new music video for the title track of their record and, coincidentally, my favourite song off Synthetica. The video kind of makes me dizzy, but goddamn if Emily Haines isn't looking as fabulous and sexy as ever.
4 comments on "Sunday Video Love: Synthetica"
  1. oh man. when that album came out last summer. listened to it for a few weeks straight. which is funny since i never really really loved any of their past albums.
    A Beautiful Zen

    1. I love all of Metric's albums, but I think my all-time favourite is still Fantasies. I listened to that album constantly for months, and I think some of their best songs are from that album. It was such a revolutionary record for them because it was such a departure from Live It Out and Old World Underground. Like, when I first heard "Youth Without Youth," it wasn't as epic to me as "Gimme Sympathy." On that note, I still love Synthetica very much and think it's a fantastic record. :)

  2. Emily Haines is pretty offing awesome, eh? I started listening and being completely obsessed with Metric with their 'Old World Underground, Where Are You Now?' album, and haven't looked back. I still have a lot of love and nostalgia for that album…but agree that Fantasies was awesome awesome awesome as well. I like Synthetica ok, but of all their albums I think it's got the least amount of eternal hits for me….I listened to it haphazardly and nowhere near as obsessively/repetitively as all the rest.

    Also, yea I was totally tripped up to see they did a new single from this latest album…totally weird, right?

    1. Totally agree; I think Synthetica was like that for me, too. I listened to it here and there but not on constant repeat like their other albums. Old World Underground will always be the most nostalgic for me because I was just starting senior year of high school when that album came out. "I.O.U." is one of my favourite Metric songs of all time. :)

      Yeah, I was really surprised when they announced the music video for this song like, a few weeks ago? I didn't hear anything from them for so long, I thought they were taking a break or something.


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