Sandwich Series: Cucumber & Dill Cream Cheese Bagel

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

As many of you will know by now, I have a very limited cooking ability. So basically, I eat a lot of sandwiches. I usually only post photos of what I eat when I'm dining out, but I figure, why not showcase what I eat the most? So, I'm going to do a mini series of posts, aptly named, "Sandwich Series." Which means I will post a different sandwich every week. That is, until I get really sick of sandwiches. Which could be in about two months or something. (No, I doubt it. I love sandwiches.)

I've been sort of obsessed with this sandwich lately. It's basically dill cream cheese on a toasted everything bagel with sliced cucumbers. (For those who haven't had the pleasure of eating an everything bagel, it has sesame seeds, poppy seeds, onion, and garlic. It gives you dragon breath, but it's so damn worth it. I am partial to the Dempster's brand.) I sprinkle some salt and lots of dill on top because dill is pretty much my favourite herb of all time. This is probably the easiest sandwich I make, with a total preparation and assembly time of three minutes. Sometimes, if I'm feeling wild, I'll replace the cucumber with tomato slices. Or, if I'm feeling extra fattening, I'll use avocado. But, yeah, you get the jist. Simple but just ridiculously good. And addictive. Seriously, I eat two of these per sitting.
8 comments on "Sandwich Series: Cucumber & Dill Cream Cheese Bagel"
  1. Your food photography (well, okay, everything you take a picture of!) is so crisp and stunning. Aaaand that sandwich sounds AMAZING!

    1. Hi, Dire! :) Thank you so much! I'm sort of in love with my camera, so I'll find a reason to take photos of pretty much anything, lol!

      I love this sandwich so much, I seriously would eat one everyday if I could. (Well, I pretty much have... at least for the past few days...) Thanks again! :)

  2. I hear ya! This stuff is SO good. I ate one with smoked salmon cream cheese today. Didn't have cucumber so I used's just not the same! I wolfed it down regardless :D
    Next time, BLT with cream cheese. DO IT. It's so worth it.
    Do you toast your bagels? I love them warm and crispy.

    PS. Dempster's bagels are extra awesome because the come pre-sliced! Less work. Whoohoo!

    PPS. I don't think you will ever get tired of eating sandwiches either. There are just countless options. :)

    1. Mmmmmm, smoked salmon cream cheese... I really need to buy some. Or some smoked salmon. Maybe both.

      BLT means I need to buy some bacon... Maybe I can the stuff that you put in the microwave for 2 minutes, lol.

      And YES, I only buy the pre-sliced bagels. Can't be wasting precious time slicing those suckers.

      And... it's true. Sandwiches are awesome. You can pretty much put anything between two slices of bread and call it a sandwich. I think I wanna make a meatball sandwich sometime next week...

    2. I've made regular bacon in the microwave before! Also in the toaster. lol As long as it's cooked, it really doesn't matter how it get's in my tummy.

      I just put a couple on a microwave safe plate, cover it with paper towel so it doesn't splatter and nuke it for a minute or two.
      For the toaster method, I put the bacon on a tray lined with foil and "toast" it until done.

      Speaking of meatball sandwiches, burgers are super easy to make on the stove. I'm hungry.

    3. Lol, well, as you should know by now, I have never had bacon in my household. :P Maybe I'll just buy a small package to start... Ooooh, bacon and egg sandwich!!! I AM SO HUNGRY RIGHT NOW. :(

    4. I think they make portioned packages of bacon...
      You should break the "no bacon in the household" hello?! You're a bacon lover! How can this be!?

    5. Because I live with an anti-baconist. :(


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