Disney on Ice: 100 Years of Magic

Thursday, December 29, 2011
I went to see Disney on Ice: 100 Years of Magic this afternoon. Some highlights:

Mickey Mouse

Donald Duck, Goofy, and Chip & Dale

Finding Nemo

Beauty and the Beast

It's a Small World (based on the ride)

The whole gang

Even though I did feel a little too old to appreciate it fully, it was cute and charming and enjoyable overall. Either way, the stupid brat sitting behind us that kept whining on and on and on made it much more annoying and harder to endure... On another note, Shawn and I went to see Cirque du Soleil's Quidam last night at the Ricoh Coliseum, and it was phenomenal. They don't allow cameras at all, so there is no photographic evidence, but I would say it was better than Totem as a whole (though not quite as magical because it was an arena show rather than a Grand Chapiteau show). Quidam was way, way, way creepier, though, like if I watched it as a kid, I would have nightmares for weeks to come. But still really fun and entertaining with amazing, jaw-dropping acts. I can't wait until next year's show!
2 comments on "Disney on Ice: 100 Years of Magic"
  1. I watched Quidam when I was much younger and it TOTALLY creeped me out!!

  2. Haha, yeah, totally. I mean, I expect Cirque du Soleil shows to be fairly creepy, but Quidam was like... exceptionally scary... Especially 'cause we had front row seats. EEPS.


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