Cirque du Soleil: Totem

Saturday, September 24, 2011
Shawn and I went to see Cirque du Soleil's Totem tonight. The word "spectacular" doesn't even do this show justice.

Cirque du Soleil trailer/truck

Cirque du Soleil Totem trailer/truck

The Big Top!

Inside the concession/box office tent

Everyone should experience Cirque du Soleil at least once in their lives. It's really like an out-of-world experience. Once you walk through those tent doors, it's like you've entered a dream world. We weren't allowed to take pictures of the Grand Chapiteau (where the performance takes place), but it's absolutely fantastical. The stage sets and special effects are absolutely magnificent, but even they don't take away from the acrobatic performances. The entire time, you're like, "Holy shit, are people actually doing this?" It's almost unreal. The other thing I kept thinking was, "How the hell did they fit all of this in a tent?" I think most, if not all, the performances for the Toronto dates are sold out now (Totem is a touring circus show), but Quidam is coming to Toronto in December (for which I will be trying to get tickets ASAP). Cirque du Soleil takes circus and brings it to a whole new level of epic insanity. Without the clowns.
4 comments on "Cirque du Soleil: Totem"
  1. I saw O in Vegas and thought it was amazing!

  2. I really, really want to see O. When I went to Vegas (the first time), we went to see Mystere, but I barely remember it 'cause I was like, 8. Ahh, I can't wait until I can get tickets for Quidam! :) :) :)

  3. Based upon your review, I bought tickets to see them for next Wednesday! 40% off! I'm really looking forward to it :)

    (also based on your recommendation, I bought Woosh from Lush)

    You're so influential!

  4. Yay, so excited for you! I think their last show is sometime next week, so good thing you got tickets before they head to San Francisco. :) Did you get good seats?


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