Mehoi Ear Studs

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

I stopped by Outer Layer (a shop that I had not been to in about a decade now, and it now houses some of the most awesome and hard-to-find goodies by the likes of Tokyomilk, Lollia, Sula, Love & Toast, Pacifica, and more!) while I was strolling along Queen Street over the weekend, and picked up a couple pairs of Mehoi's ridiculously cute ear studs. When I was in high school, I collected Mehoi's cute pin buttons and loved them to death, but like all good things, my button phase came to an end. These ear studs are a more grown-up way to wear Mehoi's cartoon-y designs (though she makes grown-up-looking pins, too!). I picked up a pair of the small diamond design, as well as the rockets, but there were so many other delightful designs, that I just ordered another couple pairs online. If you like what you see, support a local artist. You could be rockin' some rice cookers on your ears!
2 comments on "Mehoi Ear Studs"
  1. I love the Outer Layer (and I live on the street just north of it)! You should also check out the Blue Banana in Kensington Market. It's like the Outer Layer but much much bigger. :)

  2. I really need to make more of an effort to go downtown -- there's so many awesome stores that I forgot about! I keep ordering things online thinking that I can't get it in the city, but I was totally wrong! For example, Outer Layer carries a lot of the same products as I love that kitschy stuff that you don't really need, but you're like, "Ooooh, that could come in handy..."

    Downtown is gonna make me broke. Especially after I check out Blue Banana. :(


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