McDonald's Bacon Egg McMuffin
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Thursday, April 14, 2011
Today: three hours of sleep, eight hours of MAC Update, and driving through both morning and afternoon rush hours. That McDonald's breakfast was the highlight of my day. And in honour of this, a classic quote: "Tardiness is not something you can do all on your own. Many, many people contributed to my tardiness. Uh, I'd like to thank my parents for never giving me a ride to school, the L.A. city bus driver for taking a chance on an unknown kid, and, uh, last but not least, the wonderful crew at McDonald's for spending hours making those egg McMuffins, without which I might never be tardy. "
— Brecklin Meyer as Travis Birkenstock, Clueless (1995)
Oh this was just on TV the other night! Love this movie so much! My BFF and I used to pretend we were Cher and Dion in high school. I was Cher, obvs. :P