NYC (Winter 2011): Day 2, Phantom of the Opera

Monday, February 28, 2011

Shawn and I walked over to Majestic Theatre to watch the Broadway performance of Phantom of the Opera. It currently holds the record of longest-running show on Broadway, and with good reason. The music is phenomenal, the singing is mesmerizing, all of the set designs are amazing, and the overall theatricality is just epic. And it has, by far, the most dramatic and most memorable entrance, ever. But, and some might throw rocks at me for saying this, I thought the story could've been told better. Watching it on Broadway makes it slightly harder to follow, especially for those who don't know the basis of the story. There's very, very little speech in the show; it's all singing, which makes it harder to convey a message. And some scenes were unnecessarily long, and made it a little bit boring, especially the "office" and "graveyard" scenes. But the scenes in the theatre and in the Phantom's lair were amazing and, thankfully, take up most of the show. Overall, definitely worth going. Even if you don't like the story or it doesn't make sense to you, the music and the stage sets are spectacular.

And because we aren't allowed to take photos of the actual performance, here are a few of the inside of the theatre:

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