French Toast

Thursday, January 20, 2011

I was hardcore craving French toast today for some reason (I haven't had it in years!), so I made some for dinner. My first one turned out super nice but I accidentally soaked the other two slices of bread in the egg/milk mixture for too long so they came out kind of wonky... But they all tasted the same after I drenched them in maple syrup, so all was good in the end.
2 comments on "French Toast"
  1. OMG French toast is soooo good! I always order my main breakfast dish and then a side of French toast. OOOH HUNGRY NOW!

  2. Haha, it is really effing good... I wonder why I never thought to make it before, because it's so easy and relatively fast, too! Oh, man, I am going to get sooooo fat. I also found a massive box of Bisquick in the cupboard, so I'll need to make pancakes soon... I have this thing where I always eat breakfast foods for dinner. SO GOOD!


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