Friday Five

Friday, January 21, 2011
This week's Friday Five:
  1. There are superheroes named Superman, Superfly, and Supergirl. Based on your performance this past week in whatever you do, what would have been your Super_____ name? Er... Supersloth? Yeah, it's been a phenomenally lazy week.
  2. This week, what has been super terrific and what has been super lame? I'd have to say Dexter: Season 2 and my MAC Peacocky haul were quite terrific, as were my foodie trips (Hero Burger, Dairy Queen, etc.). Having to go to the doctor's yesterday to get a flu shot was super lame. And not seeing my boyfriend for most of this week has just been super shitty.
  3. Which of Superman's abilities would have been the most useful this week? Probably flight. Driving in the snow is a severe pain in the ass.
  4. What do you most expect will be super this weekend? Hanging out with my boyfriend, and watching Tron: Legacy on IMAX!
  5. What are your thoughts this week about the coming Super Bowl? Haha, I wasn't even aware that it was Super Bowl this week. Clearly, I don't care at all...

Oh, and I finally got around to downloading Deftones' Diamond Eyes album from iTunes, and though it's quite different from their past efforts, it's super phenomenal (it comes with a cover of The Cardigans' "Do You Believe?" as a bonus track!). I just can't believe I didn't get the album sooner.
2 comments on "Friday Five"
  1. I have to agree with you on #5 girl .... :D great answers!!!!!

  2. Oh, the Super Bowl's not for another three weeks. Plenty of time for you to get interested! Thanks for participating in this week's Friday 5!


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