Dining Out: Gimmari, Rosé Tteokbokki, and Original and BBQ Jokbal at Pig and Chick

Saturday, September 23, 2023
I was so impressed with the jokbal at Pig and Chick that I didn't even hesitate when Iris asked if I wanted to go there for dinner this evening.


Rosé tteokbokki

Half Original and half BBQ jokbal

I'm still impressed. The original is as delicious and flavourful as I remember it, and the BBQ version is a fun combo of jokbal cubes, sausages, and tteok that has a ridiculously addictive chargrilled flavour — basically, ordering both on the same platter was the best idea we ever had. When I asked the owner why so few restaurants here have jokbal on their menu, she said it's because it takes a long time to prepare so very few people have the patience for it, but her husband has perfected their recipe over 10 years and they ran a successful jokbal restaurant in Seoul before moving here. I think people here might be put off by the thought of eating pig trotters, but if you're a meat-eater, you will absolutely not be disappointed by the jokbal here. Controversial, but I might even go as far as to say it's my favourite Korean dish...

Pig and Chick
190 Main St. Unionville, Unit 2
Unionville, ON L3R 2G9
(905) 470-8828
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