Halmyungsoo: Episode 103 feat. BTS Jin

Monday, November 7, 2022

Myungsoo: "Why are you... handsome yet funny?"

Myungsoo: "You guys are amazing. It's hard to do an excellent job like this historically, so it was very emotional and I sent a lot of applause."
Jin: "I usually don't get shy over compliments, but I'm weak over compliments like this."
Myungsoo: "Why?"
Jin: "It makes me feel like an amazing person when I hear compliments like that."
Myungsoo: "You are!"
Jin: "If you compliment my looks, I can confidently accept them. Could you just tell me that I'm handsome?"
Myungsoo: "I heard you're 'World Wide Handsome'! I studied."
Jin: "You've got to be a spy if you don't know that these days."

Myungsoo: "I was the eldest on Infinite Challenge. Aren't you the oldest in BTS?"
Jin: "That's right."
Myungsoo: "Do the other members treat you well?"
Jin: "No, they only swear at me."

Okay, but I think Jin would actually make such a great bestie?
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