Friday Five: Touched by your presents, dear

Friday, July 2, 2021
This week's Friday Five:
  1. For what ability do you seem to have a natural gift? Visual arts. More specifically, photography and makeup art. Also, typing. I've always been a fast typer. I've averaged about 120 WPM since I was in middle school.

  2. What's pretty good about the present moment? Being a BTS ARMY. (I stan kings, y'all.) But I guess that's an always thing, not just in the present moment. At this very moment... I'm almost done work? That's always good.

  3. What nearby, everyday object would be a good symbolic bequest to someone in your life? I would bequeath my origami flowers to my friend Ronsee, who has always appreciated the intricacies of paper folding. I would also bequeath my iPhone to him, because he has a super-old, completely cracked iPhone 5 (he slammed his car trunk on it, I don't even know how that happens) that he refuses to get rid of because "it still works." Even though you can only see less than half of the screen. ("But I can still make calls!")

  4. What recognitions, large or small, have been bestowed upon you? I do get recognized at work occasionally from the senior manager of my department at the bank for excellent customer experiences. I also got recognized at MAC quite often for highest sales or excellent customer service, or when I passed my certifications, or when I passed my 5-year mark. Oh, and I did get the Art Award in Grade 6. That was a pretty big deal.

  5. What was your most recent charitable donation? I just donated $20 to the Canada Helps Asian Solidarity Fund.
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