Friday Five: Spring Session M

Friday, July 30, 2021
This week's Friday Five:
  1. What word do you love the sound of? Luminescence.

  2. What word do you hate the sound of? Phlegm.

  3. What word do you always have to look up because you can't remember how to spell it correctly? Diarrhea.

  4. What are some individual words to describe this past week? Kidney. Stone. Worst. Pain. Hospital.

  5. What's a word you know that many people don't? Capricious.
4 comments on "Friday Five: Spring Session M"
  1. Oh noooooooo! Are you still in the hospital? Take care!

    1. No, no, it's over now, THANK GOD.

      Thank you! 💜

    2. It pleases me that you did go for ice cream, and super cool ice cream too. I finally got some Korean hot dogs and I don't know. They weren't great. Now I'm craving fancy soft serve!

    3. Aww, I wish your Korean hot dog experience was better! Maybe it's the place you went to? Or maybe the toppings/sauces they were paired with?

      I hope you got some soft serve! I'm sure there are some awesome fancy soft serves over there. ;)


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