Friday Five: Chip chat

Friday, July 9, 2021
This week's Friday Five:
  1. What's got you feeling chipper these days? BTS' new song, "Permission to Dance." You can't not be feeling chipper after listening to this.

  2. About what did you decide to let the chips fall where they may? Currently, I'd say my job. Maybe because my passion isn't in banking or finance in general, but I'm not particularly ambitious or driven about it.

  3. What are you chipping away at? Last month's credit card bill. I bought a lot of BTS merch...

  4. What potato chips did you most recently consume? Pringles Wendy's Spicy Chicken. (Pringles aren't usually my go-to, but they were on sale at Walmart.) Not the most accurate in flavour, but there is a nice mild heat to it. 

  5. When did you most recently toss your cookies? I haven't barfed since I was 8.
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