BTS on Sirius XM Hits 1: "Dynamite" and "Butter"

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Man, the transition between the "Dynamite" and "Butter" sets was so damn smooth. (Pun fully intended.) Now that we're in a pandemic era, I wonder if BTS records, like, a dozen performances and they just pick and choose which one goes to which promoter. I'm also still wondering why there hasn't been a "Butter" performance on the big names like Jimmy Fallon or James Corden yet. Maybe they're saving the new single for them?

Also, is Sirius XM a big thing in the US? Because I feel like no one uses it here. Like, to me, it's just one of those free 3-month trials that comes with your new car that you always end up cancelling the second it's over. It makes me wonder why BTS would choose to do so much promo with Sirius XM.

(Addendum, 07/02: Added the official uploads of both performances from BANGTANTV!)
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