Run BTS!: Episode 143

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

PD: "What are some fairy tales involving wolves?"
Jin, without hesitation: "Twilight."
Jimin: "The Three Little Pigs, The Boy Who Cried Wolf-"
Jungkook: "- and Twilight!"
Jimin: "... and Twilight."

[During a fairy tale brainstorming session]
Jin: "Look, this one is the main character. This kid wakes up one day looking like this." *points to a bald kid with one strand of hair* "Every other kid has so much hair, but he only has one strand. So, he goes off on an adventure in search of the rest of his hair. On that journey, he runs into a monkey, a hairy tiger, a long-haired ghost, and many other things like that. But he realizes that everyone's hair is different. In the end, he learns that his one strand of hair is precious."

RM: "Taehyung, do you have a story?"
Tae: "Yes, one is called, Poo Oh the Little Gentleman."
RM: "Poo Oh the Little Gentleman? What is it about?"
Tae: "There's Poo Oh, the little gentleman. There's a tailor shop in the city, and the shop owner is an old man. The shop was doing well when the old man becomes ill. And there's nobody to take over the shop for him. Poo Oh must run the shop well in place of the old man. He dresses up as a grown man and makes himself taller using crutches. That's the story."
RM: "To run the store for the old man?"
Tae: "Yes."
Jimin: "How does it end?"
RM: "Yeah, what's the conclusion?"
Tae: "He earns a lot of money. And he uses that money to pay for hospital bills, which helps the old man get better."
RM: "Shouldn't there be a touching moment?"
Tae: "He buys medicine for the old man so he recovers. The two then work hard together to run the shop, which succeeds and together, they make great sales."
Jimin: "I get how it goes." [addresses PD] "Sir! I think it'd be best if we work individually."

J-Hope: "Jin, make a story about hot dogs."
Jin: "Hot dogs!"
J-Hope: "Dogs that are hot."
Jin: "We have to think simple. Hot dogs... Once upon a time, a mother had a son. He was eating a hot dog. And as the hot dog gets digested, we write about its journey inside the body."
Jimin, from the other side of the room: "Jin, how does it end? I want to know how it ends."
Jin: "The ending, well-"
J-Hope, dying of laughter: "Jin, that's so creative!"
Jin: "It comes out, become good nutrients to soil."
J-Hope: "Wow, that's amazing."
Jin: "A tree could grow out of the hot dog soil."
J-Hope: "What did you say?"
Jin: "It's not simply waste."
Jimin: "Jin really is a storytelling machine."
Jungkook: "It became good fertilizer."
[Five minutes later]
Jin: "So, should we go with the hot dog's travel diary?"

Tae, busy writing: "I'm in the zone right now. I'm thinking of debuting as a fairy tale author."
[Staff starts laughing in the background]
Tae: "Who just laughed?"
Jimin: "I think about two people laughed."
Tae: "Who just laughed? Laugh again."

Jin: "We need sound effects for fairy tales!"
Jungkook: "This isn't Pokemon."

[After narrating all the stories]
Suga: "When I think about what makes a good fairy tale, I feel like [Jin and Jungkook's fairy tale] One Strand is a dark comedy. [Tae and J-Hope's fairy tale] A Spoonful of Heart, that's a cute one. Great work, everyone. So let's focus on being singers, and not write fairy tales."

I mean... I would buy a book of their fairy tales...
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