BTS FESTA 2021: ARMY Corner Store

Saturday, June 12, 2021

[Looking at old family portraits]
J-Hope: "How did we not wear makeup?! I can't believe we were that confident."

[Talking about what the members have been up to lately]
J-Hope: "Recently, I... I search a lot of stuff. I look up stuff, like where things are from- "
Jimin: "You mean window-shopping?"
J-Hope: "Yes. I was trying to say shopping in a nice way."

[Sharing their TMIs]
Suga: "I take off everything when I take a shower."
Jungkook, soullessly: "Wow, that's a real TMI right there."
Tae: "I never take off my bracelets, even when I sleep, take a shower, anything."
RM: "Why don't you? They don't get rusty or anything?"
Suga: "I don't either. Even for working out."
Jimin: "Me neither, since they're silver."
Jungkook: "I don't take off silver ones."
RM: "I hate wearing things around my wrists."
Tae: "I even keep fabric bracelets on."
Jin, suddenly: "I'm so lazy to wash my face, I just turn on the faucet and put my face underneath."
Suga: "I was curious about that, if anyone else does this. So I asked my friends and some of them actually said they did that when they were young."
RM: "He does this with those giant shoulders."
Jin: "The problem, though, is I have to close my eyes, so once I tried to stand up and I hit my face on the faucet and got a lump."
Jungkook: "I don't doubt that you did."
RM: "I've really gotten into jjimdak lately. Why are the glass noodles in jjimdak so good?"
Suga: "They're crazy good even though they make you gain weight."
RM: "That chunk of carbs... it's just so good."
Suga: "One glass noodle is the same calories as a bowl of rice."
Jimin: "Really?!"
J-Hope: "I'm not sure if it's a good TMI, but I collect my hair in the drain right after I shower."
RM: "Oh, that's a good habit."
J-Hope: "Well, there is one more... Yoongi hyung recently posted about a good speaker on Twitter and it looked so nice, I got one for myself."
Suga: "For a fresh start, I wanted to get new equipment for my new studio."
Jungkook, suddenly: "Ah! My new desk will be delivered on the 27th!"
RM: "What? Where?"
Jungkook: "For my studio."
Jimin: "Lastly, it's my turn. The right side of my forehead is very itchy."
RM: "Congrats."
Jimin: "It was so itchy."

[Talking about their wishes]
J-Hope: "As always, my first wish is to be with you guys even as time passes. And the second one is for everyone to be healthy."
Tae: "I wrote this list very honestly. My first wish is to perform for a long time. And my second is to have a long, happy life. And everyone around me staying healthy is my third wish. And the fourth one is becoming a dad who everyone admires. And the fifth is to become a truly decent human being."
Jungkook: "I just made one big wish. I want to perform with ARMY soon and have a good life and meet a beautiful end."
RM, laughing: "That sounds like a gravestone inscription. So, mine are pretty simple, too. Five wishes in five syllables. End of COVID, restart our concerts, go on a world tour, stay healthy and well, happy forever."
J-Hope: "Wow, that sounds like a rap."
Jin: "I don't really put too much meaning in the future or the past. I'm a present-oriented person, so I don't have many wishes. I wrote that I want my wishes to be granted whenever I close my eyes, and to perform, and to be able to teleport."
RM: "Oh, I love the teleportation idea."
Jungkook: "I recently watched the movie, Jumper."
J-Hope: "Isn't that an old movie?"
RM, suddenly: "You wouldn't need a driver's license."
Jin: "We could save a lot of time for work."
Tae: "Yeah, even for after work."
Jin: "I'm sure that's what everyone wants."
Suga, mimicking holding each other's hands: "We'd only need one person with that power." 
RM: "Yeah, like in cartoons."
Tae: "What if someone lets go of their hand? Where would we go then?"
Suga: "You'd fall somewhere near Han River Park. Anyway, my wishes are simple, too. I wish COVID will end today that that we could have fun performing with ARMY. My second wish is going on tours. And the third one is embracing each other without wearing masks."
Jimin, peering over at Suga's wishlist: "What's that last one? The little one?"
Suga, in a small voice: "Grammy."
Jimin: "Oh, Grammy."
J-Hope, laughing: "Did you just read 'Grammy' like a little kid?"
Tae: "Now it's your turn, Jimin."
Jimin: "Mine are just small things. This is what I wrote. 'What we feel when we meet you: ARMY is priceless. So for the time we meet again, I hope we stay healthy and happy to thoroughly enjoy those feelings.'"
J-Hope: "Oh, your wish is very detailed."

The last day of Festa always features the final group meeting — where all the members gather together at a table and reminisce and reflect on the past, present, and future — and it's always my favourite part of the two-week BTS festival. I just love watching them talk to each other and seeing the random, chaotic thoughts that they have. Sadly, this meeting also marks the end of Festa. But this year's Muster just so happens to fall on BTS' anniversary, so we got two days of what is sure to be a fucking insanely epic live event. (I'm still praying for them to perform "Sea" or "Paradise" live. Just once, guys. JUST ONCE.) Good thing I'm already nocturnal. Muster starts at 5:30AM here.
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