BTS V LIVE [BTS]: 버터버터 버버터🧈

Friday, May 21, 2021

  1. I have missed the utter chaos that is BTS comeback V Lives.
  2. Peep Jungkook's tattoo sleeve, finally shown in its full glory!
  3. Peep Jungkook's short hair! (RIP Jungkook's long hair.)
  4. Peep Jungkook having the time of his life putting forks in Tae's hair. 
  5. Peep all the McDonald's at the front (5 days until The BTS Meal is released!).
  6. I wonder if any of the stuff on the table is official "Butter" merch...
  7. I best prepare my wallet anyway.
  8. Maybe I should buy some butter tarts... and some butter cookies... and some honey butter chips, just in case. You know, to celebrate the release of "Butter." It would be churlish not to...
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