Friday Five: Groovy, rad, lit

Friday, January 15, 2021
This week's Friday Five:
  1. Which slang term from your youth, no longer in common use, do you remember fondly? "Booyah," "talk to the hand," and "take a chill pill." 

  2. What slang do you still use, 'though it's no longer in common use? "Whatever." Although I feel like I still hear it randomly. At least from millennials. 

  3. Which current (or sorta recent) slang terms do you particularly like? "Facts" and "I'm dead" are the ones I use the most. I also like "basic" and "shade," though I use them to a lesser extent.

  4. Which slang terms, past or present, do you especially dislike? Past: "All that and a bag of chips" and "eat my shorts." Present (-ish?): "YOLO" and "On fleek." Recent: "Cancelled," "periodt," "[spill the] tea," and "yeet."

  5. What slang terms are specific to your geographical region? Okay, really random, but Shawn Mendes actually got most of them here 'cause his hometown is literally 30 minutes away from where I live. (Note: Almost all the slang — actually, some aren't even slang but literally just random things in the Greater Toronto Area — in this video is specific to the Southern Ontario, not Canada as a whole.)

2 comments on "Friday Five: Groovy, rad, lit"
  1. Yeah, I still use "whatever" all the time, and I'm sixty years older than you. We definitely used it in high school. And yeah, periodt drives me insane.

    1. As if! You're only, like, 15 years older. ;)


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