BTS on Good Morning America: "Life Goes On" and "Dynamite"

Monday, November 23, 2020

I gotta say this again: BTS has been consistently changing up every single one of their stages, and the sheer amount of effort and production value put into all of them is, quite frankly, staggering. These are, on average, four-minute performances, and they're all for the same songs (it was "Dynamite" for the last three months, and now the new title track, "Life Goes On," added to the mix), but they somehow manage to make each one totally different and distinct from one another — in the sets, in the outfits, in the styling, in the colour scheme, etc. I gotta reiterate this again, but no one is doing it like BTS. It makes other artists' stages look like fucking Mickey Mouse amateur hour or cheap high school musicals. On that note, I can't wait to see their performance for "Life Goes On" on The Late Late Show with James Corden tonight!

(11/26: Updated videos to the official ones from BANGTANTV 'cause I can't stand the way GMA always pans to Times Square.)
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